
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using raised floor?

Access floors are fully engineered products and are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of construction. Therefore, using them under the right conditions can have many benefits.

  • Along with the progress of today’s modern world, construction technologies are progressing.
  • Ease of implementation and high speed of implementation
  • Provision of modern infrastructure, provision of electricity, network, telephone and wiring and cabling, etc. It requires a lot of money, time, and human resources.
  • Using access floors, heights between 5 cm and 120 cm can be implemented.
  • The possibility of passing all facilities under the access floor, the use of guided heating and cooling systems without restrictions is one of the main advantages of using this system.

Disadvantages of access floors

They can be used with a specific and limited capacity; So there are limitations in using them in environments.
The space under access floors is a very suitable environment for the occurrence of any kind of contamination, including vermin.
The use of access floors causes a percentage of the room space to be occupied.
The cost of its implementation will be high.
If the right type is not used according to the prevailing conditions of the environment, the lifespan will be much shorter.
